in which inkslinger was productive….

Posted in WIP on February 24, 2010 by itty bitty inkslinger

yesterdays stats:
writing; re-read and reworked first chapter. more on this
character development; just a tad- realized one of the characters relationships to another will not work out
plot; changed a little-

inkslinger had a most fabulous  day off from the day job yesterday. it was spent at target, picking up the inklet from school, going back to target to return an item, and then off to see shutter island with the ever handsome leonardo dicaprio. (to clarify… inkslinger did not attend shutter island with the ever handsome leonardo dicaprio on her arm. inkslinger is merely stating that the ever handsome leonardo dicaprio starred in shutter island). the extra marvelousness of the day was capped off by a delicious grilled cheese from in’n’out and animal style fries (hold the onions please).

shutter island was quite good, although long. inklsinger and the inklet quite enjoyed the movie despite the fact that they both had the ending  figured out half way through the movie.

so with her tummy full of delicious junk food, and her new household items in their appropriate places, inklinger proceeded to do some writing.

inkslinger would like to note that writing is the most fabulous thing in the world. and inkslinger will always write. but inkslinger often notices that when she is not writing she  is very unmotivated to actually sit a the keyboard and do so, or even grab a pen and a paper. inkslinger wonders why that is.

inkslinger wonders if other writers feel the same way.

all the time that inkslinger is not writing, she is working out things that her characters will do, or say and and how each one got to where they are. inkslinger is constantly working out plot lines in her head when she is away form the computer or a notepad, and yet the action of actually writing is something she puts off more than occasionally.

inkslinger thinks that part of it is because she does not think she is very good. however when she starts writing and putting things toether, and things begin to fall into place she can’t understand why she puts it off.

enough of inkslinger’s psychosis.

yesterday while inkslinger was reworking chapter one, it occurred to her that she had begun it completely wrong, and there was a much better way to show what was going on. inkslinger realized the beginning was too much telling and decided she was going to have to introduce one of the characters far earlier than she intended too, but that by introducing this character sooner, inkslinger would be able to show important information about the main character, and the main characters antagonist rather  than tell. by the time inkslinger cam to this realization she was very very tired- so she made notes in her notebook and went to bed.

inkslinger is telling and not showing in this blog.

inkslinger is deciding how to use this blog as motivation instead of a procrastination tool. inkslinger has decided she will only blog when she has been productive. inksligner thinks keeping stats on her writing, such as pages written, character developments, plot line breakthroughs etc. will on this blog will help her keep on task.

however inkslinger knows herself well and is sure this approach will make posts sporadic.

so for now, inkslinger is off to try to be productive before she heads off to the drudgery of the day job.

in which inkslinger’s lunch break is ruined…

Posted in WIP on February 23, 2010 by itty bitty inkslinger

inkslinger had an exceptionally long (feeling) day today.

generally, inkslinger takes her lunch break to write (after eating something delicious) and today she was very ready to write. however because inkslinger often uses a portable usb drive and a work computer to do dissolve away into her lunch break composition, she is very well fair game for those who need work related answers, including bossman.

inkslinger thinks bossman is the greatest boss ever,  and previous bosses having scarred inkslinger with temper tantrums-a-plenty. current bossman is more than fabulous, but today made inkslinger work on her lunch break.

only a little, but still…

inkslinger’s happy writing time was ruined. the moment was over. defeat.

so in the spirit of of holding oneself accountable so oneself will write,  inkslinger will sign off with today’s writing stats:

character development; about 15 minutes on one character

plotting; sort of worked into character development

actual work on manuscript;


the first post, in which itty bitty inkslinger procrastinates

Posted in me on February 20, 2010 by itty bitty inkslinger

itty bitty inkslinger loves to procrastinate. Although the purpose of this blog is for itty bitty inkslinger to make an effort to stop the procrastination, she has actually spent the better part of the day picking themes for this blog. defeat.

itty bitty inkslinger will henceforth be referred to as inkslinger. inkslinger is far to lazy to keep writing itty bitty inkslinger.

things you should or should not know about inkslinger:

inkslinger does not have a tapeworm but she has been told she eats like she does.

inkslinger is not sure if the above sentence is a prepositional phrase.

inkslinger is a vegetarian.

inkslinger would like the world to know that there is no good vegetarian substitute for hot wings.

inkslinger has many WIP’s, but always ends up going back to one particular work.

inkslinger has a plethora of  procrastination tools and has now added blogging to the list. defeat.

in real life inkslinger does not refer to herself in the third person. as a matter of fact inkslinger is not inkslinger’s real name.

inkslinger has a day job which revolves around books. she has many adventures, and does not get enough sleep because of this day job.

inkslinger is done procrastinating for now.